Rash's Poetry House

Campsite on Highway 395 ] Modern Petroglyphs ] At the End of Summer ] River Run ] When Man Confronts the Nature He Fears ] Revenge in the Techno-Society ] True Communication Is Neither Audible Nor Visible ] Eagles Test ] The Closeness ] Harbinger ] Tourons ] Ladybug ] Watering Los Angeles ] Walker Lake ] Sanctuary ] [ Heralds ] Midwest Summers ] Desert Rain Squall ]

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snow disappeared yesterday
more fell last night
geese nest by ponds
and eagles
to the whims of gods
mate along rivers

falling snow
marked vernal
no violets
delicate heralds
through greening grass

ice glazes roads
television ads
promote images
barbeques and mowers
barefoot children
play in cascading water

only one herald
announces the change
of season
in words I understand

today, the ice cracked


The metallic picture of mountains and rivers



Campsite on Highway 395 ] Modern Petroglyphs ] At the End of Summer ] River Run ] When Man Confronts the Nature He Fears ] Revenge in the Techno-Society ] True Communication Is Neither Audible Nor Visible ] Eagles Test ] The Closeness ] Harbinger ] Tourons ] Ladybug ] Watering Los Angeles ] Walker Lake ] Sanctuary ] [ Heralds ] Midwest Summers ] Desert Rain Squall ]

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