Rash's Poetry House

Campsite on Highway 395 ] Modern Petroglyphs ] At the End of Summer ] River Run ] When Man Confronts the Nature He Fears ] Revenge in the Techno-Society ] True Communication Is Neither Audible Nor Visible ] Eagles Test ] The Closeness ] Harbinger ] Tourons ] Ladybug ] Watering Los Angeles ] Walker Lake ] Sanctuary ] Heralds ] Midwest Summers ] [ Desert Rain Squall ]

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Desert Rainsquall

In the desert clouds come quickly and leave just as fast

Wind rolls across thirsty plants
Lazily blowing up dust devil
Dogs dream in abusive heat
Masters laze in the parched
Late afternoon

A line appears on the horizon
Growing ominously
Heads rise and scent the wind
As housewives scurry
To empty outdoor clotheslines.

Drops pelt
Hurling splashes of mud against buildings
Rivulets run along pathways
And children dash for cover
Under sparse trees.

Thundering on to punish still others
It leaves behind oppressive humidity
Ground slurps up residue puddles
And daily routines resume
At even slower speed.

Campsite on Highway 395 ] Modern Petroglyphs ] At the End of Summer ] River Run ] When Man Confronts the Nature He Fears ] Revenge in the Techno-Society ] True Communication Is Neither Audible Nor Visible ] Eagles Test ] The Closeness ] Harbinger ] Tourons ] Ladybug ] Watering Los Angeles ] Walker Lake ] Sanctuary ] Heralds ] Midwest Summers ] [ Desert Rain Squall ]

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