Rash's Poetry House

New York After Hours ] Sanity Is Better Only Because We Say It Is ] [ She Traveled With Purpose and Determination ] Even In California the Nights Are Cold ]

She Traveled With Purpose and Determination

she wandered down
always down
toward the sea
searching for the sunset

through the land that had once
belonged to her
always down
through garden and over
landscaped ground

never leaving a clue
to her passage
once or twice permission
was asked
but denied
through all that once
had been hers

for she was old
and decrepit
and the needle in her arm
through which could be viewed
the life blood startled

often transfixed
as she held forth
moving down
one or two were compassionate

when through the tube
there could be viewed only
an occasional drop
of viscous fluid fighting its way
to the surface, pulsing with her heart

as she was driven down
always down
through garden and drive
until she could find no other way
and asked another

but was denied
the imperative was strong
that she continued to seek
she moved slowly

ever so slowly
between the open gate toward
the goal she sought
but he tackled her
held her fast to the ground

threatened "you'll be
on the 6 o'clock news tonight"
his back turned
she continued to wander
always down

until she could no more
and stopped
a black wrought iron fence
restrained her as she held forth
her hand reaching

straining down
always down
toward the sea
searching for the sunset
ceased to flow

indeed she was on the news
the decrepit old woman
hand stretched forth
seeking downward
toward the sea
and the sunset just beyond
the vision of her last thoughts

New York After Hours ] Sanity Is Better Only Because We Say It Is ] [ She Traveled With Purpose and Determination ] Even In California the Nights Are Cold ]

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