Rash's Poetry House

New York After Hours ] [ Sanity Is Better Only Because We Say It Is ] She Traveled With Purpose and Determination ] Even In California the Nights Are Cold ]

Sanity Is Better
Only Because We Say It Is


smoke curled from beneath the mobile home
a blessing wafting
into the house
of home
and of father and child within
by Captain America


nails painted aqua
hair food-color blue
covered by an aluminum foil cap
and a breastplate of cola cans
he tramped the streets
delivering a message
only he understood
he blessed the churches
stood night watch over police
and fire stations
protected children
slept on open desert
friend and companion
to coyote and rabbit


they took him away
put him in the hospital
adjusted medicines
pronounced him sane if
medications were taken
allowed him to return
and removed $35,000
from his estate


head down, watching his feet
he slumps through town
accepts coffee
at Jack's and Maggie's restaurants
eats at Dos Amigos and McDonalds
takes his pills
chain smokes unfiltered cigarettes
wanders to an early sleep
in a single cot above the pawn shop
and never

New York After Hours ] [ Sanity Is Better Only Because We Say It Is ] She Traveled With Purpose and Determination ] Even In California the Nights Are Cold ]

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